Top 3 Examples of inverted pyramid writing.

The 3 examples of inverted pyramid writing.

 The inverted pyramid is an editorial principle that consists of getting straight to the point: the editor or journalist decides to directly reveal the gist of the information. He consciously chooses to deal with the details later in the text. Statistics encourage such an approach. Reporting Our first example explores the mystery behind a recently closed business. The title alone creates interest in the story and invites the reader to search a lot. Breakdown: 

 The first 2 paragraphs relate to the UN agency, what, where, when and why. This story quickly lets the reader know: What is the difficulty (the restaurant closes once the reviewer's writing) When it happened (last January) Who was concerned (Kevin Alexander) How it happened (overwhelmed by business after article) Additional breakdown: 
The next 3 paragraphs of the article provide a breakdown of the main points, additional background information and quotes. In addition, these elements allow the reader to form their own opinion as to why the restaurant is very closed.

 # 2) Blogger The second example allows the United States of America to examine how a blogger uses the inverted pyramid. The title asks a light question that gets the reader excited to find the solution. Breakdown: With the main line of this newspaper article, the author answers the first question. However, that's not the only funny answer she has to provide. the resulting paragraphs offer our: who (assorted business professionals) what (work calls for sudden places) when (last week) and where (the bathroom) The “how” this can happen is because staff are trying to seek quiet, personal moments to create the necessary calls while operating remotely throughout COVID-19. Despite the circumstances, it was written, those opening paragraphs set the tone ridiculous for the rest of the post.

# 3) Email explosion Example 3 shows our thinnest inverted pyramid yet: Associate in a Nursing email blast. The inverted pyramid type of writing might be a good format to use for selling emails because they need to grab your reader's attention and keep it long enough to convey your goal.

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